Tuesday, January 31, 2012

One little word - 2012

There is a blog thing called "one little word" and I joined in on this day a year ago with this word. 

Certainly having made a conscious decision to have "one little word" and the visual reminder (that I never managed to hang on the wall but that was propped against the wall next to my bed) was helpful and I did often ponder how "content" I was feeling.  It was more often in the moments of feeling disgruntled or discomforted that I tried to choose to be "content"...... I was not always successful!


I have been thinking a lot (like a ridiculous amount of brain time) about my word for 2012.  I have had the benefit of  seeing which words others have chosen (most do it for Jan 1 but I do it for Feb 1).  I have considered many words but nothing really settled well in my mind or heart.

But ever the one to rock a deadline - I have my one word......

Also ever the non-conformist it's not a "little" word........

My word for 2012.......

I love the word "Aloha" but much more than that I love what it means, the spirit of Aloha

There are whole websites like this one on the meaning of the word and what it means to Hawaiian people. 

I loved the way it was used so often and with so many intentions in Hawaii.  It was obvious it meant more than just Hello........ I like that - a multi-purpose word!!

So I will try to live by "aloha" this year......try and emulate the gentleness and joy and unity of "aloha".

1 comment:


It's been a CoVID while since I was in this space.  I'm here today to muse about disruption.  I am feeling disrupted.  I don...