Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekend Whizz By

My life is at full tilt right's usually busy (and I like it like that) but the last few and the next few are especially so.......

During the week Allan injured his neck and was in alot of pain and I worked from home (why am I so much more efficient when I work here?). I also had a friend move house and I helped her out - a brave friend making a fresh proud of her!  And I had the first Board meeting of the year at work with a touchy issue to deal with.

SO the week was busy.


Allan boarded a bus with some smart kids and robots and headed to Courtenay BC on Vancouver Island for a competition in which they took both first and second and two other awards!! The Cambie Robotics Dynasty continues.....

I went to Fab Abs - it was hard and my abs are still protesting......but that's good right?

My godson Arlo and his sister Sola came over for dinner and a visit on Saturday while their parents had a date.  We had a lovely visit - nice to have time to chat to them and play.....two such sweet children I feel lucky to spend time with.

I fell into bed Friday night so very tired........with my teenager for company......


I had to teach all day Saturday so it was an early start.  I had a colleague come to help me out for the day and we ended up having a pretty fun day of learning and laughing - the students rated it very highly.

In between times I ran out to take David to soccer in snow and hail......which was thankfully short-lived and Lindsay came over to help David and I clean up after my class.  We came home and veged on the couch and ate take out.

Then I spent a lovely hour or so organising my new scrapbook cart. I do so love organising and moving out of three plastic boxes into this lovely unit with space for everything was a joyous task. 

Allan was home by 11pm.......(don't even get me started on the morons who don't think teachers work hard enough or deserve better pay - when my husband just worked over 36 hours unpaid so his students could participate in the competition).


A blessed sleep in until 8:30am! 

Around 10:30am David and I headed downtown on the Canada line to do a shift at my Dad's booth at MissionsFest.   This huge expo of organisations serving across the world is amazing and inspiring. But I do find it frustrating at times.  I staff the booth once a year - it's my homage to my MK status (Missionary Kid)......once an MK always an MK........

After we finished our shift David and I went in search of sublime hot chocolate at the 2nd Annual Vancouver Hot chocolate  festival (thanks to Janice K for the hot tip :) we struck out.....but we found the crepe shop and feasted of crepes and I had a pretty sublime coffee!

Home now and hanging out as a family........recharging for another busy week.

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