Friday, September 6, 2013

First week Blues

Isn't it easy, in the craziness and stress of this first week back to work, school, new forget we just had a summer?  And huge thunder storms sure do not help!!!

I realize much of this blog has been focused on my journey to the new centre this summer and although, as we sat down for dinner the night before school and reflected together as a family on what the highlights of the summer had been, we all agreed we missed having a vacation together (a fact of which I will remind them after 4 weeks of traveling together in Dec/Jan!).

And of course it was that big trip that curtailed our summer plans as much as me not having the time or ability to be away.

We did stop for a moment "to count our blessings" of the summer too and remember the way we worked fun into the busyness with small trips, camps, shopping, concerts....this work/life balance thing can be exhausting!

So here are some of our summer blessings.......

Beach picnics and sunsets
Camp (for the kids)
Surviving camp in one piece (the parents)
Fishing (Allan and David)
More fishing (Allan)
An adventure with Gaga to Victoria (the kids and my Mom)
Walks with friends
Great Big Sea Concert (Allan and I)
Lots of Backyard BBQ's
Bike riding (Nicky)
Lovely weather
A much improved puppy
Wanders in the Village
Time with friends
Ice cream
Nerf Wars (David)
Confirmation (Lindsay)
Great food
Visitors from Edmonton
Whistler (Lindsay)
Back to school shopping with Dad and Gaga
Lots of down time, couch time, movies, backyard time, projects done, major room clean-outs for the kids..... home time.....slow time....

It's good to count so many blessings from a quiet summer, a close to home summer.....we live in a beautiful place....the weather was amazing.

And 3 months from today we step on a plane to an unimaginable adventure and vacation......  The Fall will fly by I am sure.

Thanks Summer 2013...... see you again on the other side of the globe!

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