Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Falling into Soup

Lindsay just said "This is probably the best Broccoli cheddar soup you ever made"

David just said "You are hitting soup home runs all the time now Mom".

(How sweet are they?)

Soup accolades......... who'd a thunk it!?

We have been making soup (for a group of people every Tuesday) for a few years now......Allan did the first few years and I paid scant attention.  I held babies and chatted and buttered bread.....

And then 18 months ago Allan took himself off to so a degree leaving me in charge of soup.

I am not going to lie - I panicked.

But over the months I got into the rhythm - got the formula down pat.......and tonight as I stir the soup pot I realise I have no more soup anxiety.  I have the basic soups pretty well sorted out - I am no "soup genius" - not even very adventurous but I can, apparently, make a decent pot 'o soup!

Indeed, I actually look forward to choosing a soup each weekend and making it.  I love making my own stock too and watching it all come together. 

And of course the greatest joy is feeding my friends a hearty and healthy meal.

I still prefer holding babies but I get to do both. 

If you haven't ever made a pot of soup from scratch may I encourage you, this Fall / Spring (depending on which hemisphere you reside in).....make a pot....it will do your soul good.

If you need help let me know!

Now my peeps are about to arrive and I have soup to dish and enjoy around the table. 

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