Sunday, April 10, 2011

What makes an adventure?

 We were having a lazy Saturday afternoon and noone really felt like cooking.  Lindsay was making a case for take out from our favourite Malaysian spot Kari House in Steveston.  Allan had bread rising and I offered a spinach salad but nothing was really grabbing our fancy.

I had read that Vancouver was getting a whole bunch of new food carts and I had seen a couple new ones when I was last downtown so I said......Let's go downtown and eat Food Cart Food.

 Within 5 minutes we were out of the door (ah the joys of children who dress themselves) and in 10 we were parked at my office and headed to the Sky Train in high spirits.  In fact David and I skipped along the alley way until Lindsay begged us to stop!!  Its just so easy to embarrass a teenager :)

We made it onto the train - we found these messages on the backs of the seats so we did as it asked....

 By the time we got downtown it was raining but we pressed on on our quest for Cart Food..... ALAS.... we found no carts worthy of our palates.  There were hot dogs or chestnuts and nothing else....... I guess we jumped the gun and the food carts are not all in place yet and on a rainy Saturday maybe some of them packed it in.......

We remembered a place we ate at during the Olympics and headed over there.  I shall not name them here but what restuarant runs out of pizza dough at 7pm on a Saturday in downtown Vancouver??

 We decided it was a bad omen and put on our coats and left and decided if it had to be hot dogs then so be it....and the rain had stopped and there were some street musicians..... we were back on track.......until we got to the food cart just as they packed up!!


Now our high spirits were failing in direct proportion to our growing hunger..... when I spied a Cafe Crepe with outdoor seating under heaters on the Granville Mall.  At least we'd be eating outside in the street atmosphere and hey..... crepes are good..... especially if like David and I you opt for the dark
chocolate and banana crepe - yes - for dinner!  Lindsay had a Parisian Panini (she needed a control to compare the actual Paris panini she will likely eat in Paris in October... or that's her story and she's sticking to it!) and Allan had a smoked beef, swiss cheese and dijon mustard crepe he declared "Quite Good".....

So even though things did not go exactly to plan, we had a fun night out downtown before we headed back home on the train and SOME of us engaged in some parking garage shenanigans on the way home!

We will try this adventure again some time, maybe after some more thorough research....... anyone want to join us?

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