Monday, April 11, 2011

Note to Self

Hello Self...........

That was quiet a little pity party you had yesterday wasn't it...... wallowing around in your mud puddle of misery.  I know, I know, your middle name isn't "Pollyanna" for a reason.  I know it was a dreary miserable Sunday and you had to work, poor baby..... and people didn't behave as they should..... and you were tired.  And then the Studio Director called and you had the conversation you'd been anticipating all week and it wasn't fun or easy, and your son revealed his homework was not, in fact, done..... and you were.... DONE!

It's ok - sometimes life sucks and its ok to say so.

And today you had a trying meeting with crazy challenging people who behaved like morons idiots..... challenging people do...... but you also had coffee with your good friend and a good chat and drive home with Cherry Blossoms on every corner.......

And then Allan found his car vandalised with spray paint.........
And then there was work and the crazy conference people........ and so much work that didn't get done
And then off to the bank to sign on a bunch more debt but all in a good cause...... it just irritates that they make it sound like they are doing you a favour...... it's our money people....

And then a workout and a hot shower during which I have myself a reality check and a talking to.  It's not about "Sucking it up" and smiling even when the crappy less than ideal things come flying our way (that much I learned in therapy) but there is a choice to make about how we respond to the less than ideal circumstances. 

So self... listen up..... you do not live in Japan...... or Haiti..... you have a house.... and a job........... and a beautiful family....and wonderful friends.........a peaceful country .....clean air......a peanut buster parfait with extra peanuts....................... GET OVER YOURSELF.

And you believe in a God who has a plan for good for your life.

So quit the whining, deal with the stuff with grace and keep on trucking.......

1 comment:

  1. Just what I needed to hear. I just wish it was with a peanut buster parfait that I was able to hear it.



It's been a CoVID while since I was in this space.  I'm here today to muse about disruption.  I am feeling disrupted.  I don...