Saturday, February 5, 2011

Strategic Planning

I spent the day with my Board and a facilitator looking closely at our organisation and what the next 3 years look like, or could look like and what steps we have to take to get there.  I have put months of thought and work and reading and planning into the day along with a great facilitator we hired to guide the process.

Our organisation is in transition as we move towards a big expansion in our services which means a big increase in staff and for me a HUGE increase in workload.

So today we started by reconnecting with the work we do and why we do it and how we do it well.  It was good to see all the affirmations. Then we looked at the challenges and gaps and people were honest and forthcoming.  And then I presented my vision for a new structure - it was hard to do as I have worked so hard on this and it feels like my "baby" and now I was giving it over to be debated and discussed........ I had to really check my emotions and let it go.   There was quite a debate and lots of good dialogue followed and in the end a unanimous decision to move forward in this new direction...... PHEW!

By the end of the day we had made HUGE progress in moving forward into the next era of the life of our organisation and the Board was energized and excited and engaged! 

I feel grateful to be on this journey with some extraordinary people who gave up their day to do this work together. 

"Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only  thing that ever has." Margaret Mead.

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It's been a CoVID while since I was in this space.  I'm here today to muse about disruption.  I am feeling disrupted.  I don...