Tuesday, March 13, 2018

52 weeks

Today marks my 52 straight week at the gym.

One year of moving forward in my fitness.

Many months of finding a new community.

Surprises and challenges and frustrations and triumphs.

But I'll admit I am not as skinny as I thought 52 weeks at the gym would produce.  And I'd be lying if that wasn't a tad disappointing.  

There IS change though. 

The jeans may not be 4 sizes smaller but what is in the jeans is a whole lot different. 

I have traded much fat for muscle - some of it in surprising places.  There are less inches in some important places. 

But I am also coming to the realisation that 52 weeks in a gym cannot erase a life lived with some challenges - like 3 major abdominal surgeries that cut through the belly muscle wall, some artificial mesh in there that stops muscles moving as they should, and more scar tissue than muscle in my arm that was fractured in 5 places and was more metal than bone for a few years. 

And yet.

I am fitter, I hurt less often, my cardio is way better (arguably with two grandparents who had heart attacks this is most important) and I am so.much.stronger.  
Before Workout

I am learning to appreciate this body of mine for what it is overcoming and what it IS doing rather than what it is NOT able to do...yet.

I have the word "Ohana" tattooed on my wrist. Every night and every morning I see that word as I go to sleep and as I wake up.  It's a reminder of my tribe, my people and as I am settling in for the night I often run through all their names - family, friends, colleagues....my list is blessedly loooong. 

After workout stunned look

So as I reach this milestone today and celebrate, what is perhaps most precious is that my "Ohana" has grown this year to include a Dojo full of interesting and inspiring people in my community - each with their own story and journey who show up to work out under the expertise and care of an exceptional coaching team.

Isn't that really what it's all about in the end - the relationships we get to have with people as we walk through this messy and delightful thing called life. 

I am so very grateful for my personal cheerleaders this year - Allan,Lindsay, David, Mom, Emily, Kristen, Jenn, Helen, #TeamMPT .... they celebrated all my tiny achievements and kept me motivated.  

Here's to the next 52 weeks (unlikely to be consecutive) and some big goals I have for myself... the biggest of which are patience at my pace, courage to stretch into new fitness challenges and kindness to a body that has served me well.


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