Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I am sure there exists in the Pinterest world no end of ways to neatly, cleverly and creatively catalogue ones life, trips, photographs, mementos.

I am sure some people out there in a parallel universe to my own have beautiful
boxes in neat closets labelled with the date, time and place their contents pertain to.

I might even have aspired to be like those folks once.

There is a system in my closet I assure you.... and on my computer....sort of.

But here's the thing....I stuck my hand in my pocket this morning and found my NYC metro card.

That made me happy.  

I remembered its story.

Last week I grabbed a purse I hadn't used for a while - I found old concert tickets,  a card from a friend.

Cleaning out my desk last week I found old day books with photos that took me back, made me smile.

This uncatalogued life has perks.

It gives surprise moments of remembering and smiling and joy.   

Whenever the children need a baby photo we go through a few boxes of photos dying of laughter, telling our stories, lamenting our fashion choices, trying to explain hair styles, remembering friends and family, places we have been.... Sure it takes a bit longer to get what we are looking for but there is much joy in the looking.

So to any fellow friends out there feeling "less than" in the organisation department.... don't ..... just think of the treasures in your coat pockets, diaries, filing cabinets and cluttered closets just waiting to be discovered....


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