Monday, March 30, 2015


Some first days back to work are....less than....satisfactory

But every now and then the universe sends an a-typical first day just to keep me guessing.

Today was that day!

What are fantastic day!

A very early morning meeting in a bank (read the story here ) was super productive and great to connect with my leadership team.... we are going place....just watch us.

And then so many emails and voice mails dealt with efficiently and fast.  Things off the pre-vacation TO DO list dispatched to the DONE column in short order. Preparation for this weeks meetings well under way.

Two personal matters were quickly sorted.... and let me pause here to say I called my new Dr for an appointment and got one TODAY...... AND he saw me on time, was efficient and compassionate and I was out in 6 minutes.....after he checked my alarmingly high blood pressure (darn it). I will always miss my dear Dr Joy but I do not miss waiting 60-90 minutes 10 days after I called to make an appointment..... and driving to Vancouver for the pleasure.  And the adjoining pharmacy has the dearest pharmacist who seem to want to be friends..... its charming.  Thank you universal health care...I heart you today!

The other personal matter had to do with sausages.....more on that another time..... I can't wait!

A sunny walk in the park, good cawfee ( I need to stop with the NYC accent....soon),  weekend plans shaping up, a great workout with much "glowing", a lovely dinner and a very deep and heartfelt conversation about church with my beloved family.

All that's left to do is write Lindsay's Grad write up - no pressure..... just say amazing things about your daughter in 40 words..... right.

The tunes are rocking, the teens are cleaning the kitchen with average bickering and my bed is less than 2 hours away.

Thank you Day 1 - you rocked!

Enjoy the tune in the link below  - its a fave in our house...... and I may be going to see this guy in concert this weekend....... YIPPPPEEEEE

WATCH THIS - you won't be sorry


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