Monday, December 2, 2013

Wowza Weekend!

We had December in one weekend.

Christmas, Christmas gifts,  Christmas baking, Christmas visiting..........yes there was Christmas music and boy are we happy we left the Christmas lights on the house so all we had to do was switch them on (Sorry GH - we know what losers we are!) ........ For obvious reasons we have no tree or decorations up but it felt kinda festive.

We loved having dinner out with EV and FV - Biercraft did not disappoint and we had a fine time (well mostly except for me falling and injuring my knee (before we even got there) but after the week I had had it felt almost expected and I just had to shake my head - the poor old knee is still quite a sight and sore).

We also had a family lunch with my parents on Sunday at Dinesty which was so yummy - so many tastes of dim sum - it is such a great way to eat as a family. Thanks Mom and Dad and for the two meals for this week so we don't have to think about cooking!

FV was horrified to learn we were eating freezer burned food so he gifted us an abundance of locally caught, locally smoked salmon that was out of this world amazing - melt in your mouth with all that salmony smokiness- yummy - we feasted....... another meal this week taken care of!! Thanks FV!

JB and BB came over for tea and scones on Sunday afternoon and it was so lovely to see them looking well and in fine form.  The delight in finding ZAR in our Christmas cards - very grateful!!

We were invited over to new church friends for dinner on Sunday and had not only a great meal but a fun time getting to know one another - lots of stories and a laughs...... and Lindsay's excellent chocolate cake!

It is great to have such a wide circle of friends and family - we felt taken care of and loved .....

And of course we also packed and cleaned and shopped for last minute things......I truly have only 3 things left on the TO DO list to pick up this week.......

The kids have the day off school today
and they should have cleaned their rooms and mostly packed by the end of the day (fingers crossed!).....

I have a busy couple of days at work and then the great desk tidy, extended absence telephone greeting to record and that will be that by end of the day Thursday!

I am unsure how much time or opportunity I will have to blog from here on out but I will do my best when time and wifi allow!

If you have been on this journey all year with us - thank you for putting up with my ramblings - for those of you who have been close to me and listened to my angst and my endless planning.....and still love me......I thank you so much!  It takes a patient and understanding village to put up with me sometimes and I appreciate your part in that!.

May this be true for us all

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

traditional gaelic blessing

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