Friday, July 15, 2011


Today my husband Allan has been in a relationship with me for half his life.  He turns 44 today although he'd like me to tell everyone he is 21.... ya right!

And truth be told I don't think he really wants to be 21 again.

I am so proud of, and more in love with, the man Allan is today than at almost any time in the past 22 years (2 years of dating and almost 20 years of marriage).  I won't paint an overly rosy picture here although we have had many many wonderful moments and created some wonderful memories together - it has not all been good or easy...... but while many lesser people would not have faced the challenges and done the hard and soulful work to get through those times Allan faced them head on and ploughed through some grim stuff  We both did.

Today he is a man more at peace with himself than ever and with a quiet determination to be the best person, husband, father, son, brother, teacher, student and friend he can be.  He has worked hard to get where he is today and he has overcome some big odds...........I am his biggest fan, proud of who he is and excited about the future for him and for us.  Ever mindful of the Grace that held us both through the years.

He is my rock and my touchstone, the person I need to talk things through with, the person I need to connect with, the person who "gets" me more that I sometimes "get" myself.  He is also the rock for his children whom he parents with wisdom and patience and insight.

I am so happy to celebrate the day of his birth with him and friends and family today (Missing Miss Lindsay who is still at camp!)

Happy Birthday Allan.  I love you.

PS: Happy Wedding Anniversary to my sister and brother-in-law Darren and Wendy McLuckie and a Happy Birthday to our friend Sean Sanders....... Allan's birthday twin who turns 30 today!

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