Friday, January 14, 2011

One month old

My blog is 4 weeks old today.... I can hardly believe it!!  And although I haven't written every day I have managed to find the time to do it most days.  Sometimes what I am going to write about is obvious to me and it comes easily and other days something surprises me by presenting itself as a topic.  I have not had a day yet where I have had no idea what to write. AND I am really enjoying the process of writing and editing my writing. I am also taking more intentional photographs and uploading them right away. 

In just 4 weeks my blog has had just under 650 hits (and I figured out how to take my hits out of the stats so it's not me :) - I find that really mind-blowing and a little unnerving - blogger gives you a geographical breakdown of your hits too which is even more incredible! 

And if I thought having my own blog would cut down on my own blog surfing , the opposite is true - I am linking through blogs to other blogs..... it seems never-ending (and sure can suck up a chunk of time).

Overall , so far, at least, my little blog adventure has been a success.  I thank those of you who comment and those of you who lurk......

Thanks for being along for the ride......

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