Saturday, March 30, 2013

The shape of a day

Some days have a certain shape.  You know what point they start at .....where they will go.... how they will feel.

Like Sundays....... or Mondays.....they have a particular feel.

Like shopping days in the USA.

They start early.  There are line-ups.  Breakfast at Avenue Bread.  There is a lot of walking.  Decision making.  There is coffee.  There are new clothes.  Deals found.  Things picked up and left behind.  Sometimes regret.  There is driving.  There is Trader Joes. Cheap gas. More line-ups.

I wasn't really "feeling" a US shopping day.  I was feeling tired.

 But David is off to Outdoor Ed at Strathcona for a week and anything that fitted him 5 minutes ago is too short in both the arms and the legs.  He needed gear.  Allan needed shoes.

We also wanted to test taking Spanner across the line.

So we headed the sun rose.....the mist hanging close to the ground.

The day had that had the shape I was expecting.

Short line-up, no issue with the

We got deals.  Lots of good deals.  David's list of gear well checked off.

We were done.  Or more correctly the bank account was sufficiently dented that I wondered if, for the first time ever, we had pushed the limit too far.

We were ready to head end the day as these days end.

But then I had an idea.  An idea born of sunshine and a sense of adventure, of taking the shape of this day and stretching it out....making it a different shape.

We turned left off the i5 and headed to LaConner.......and lunch on a sunny deck......and fields of daffodils....

I will let the photos tell the rest of the story.

It was a lovely shaped day.  Maybe a one-of-a-kind shaped day.  It fit perfectly into the space in my heart that was waiting for it even without knowing it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

THE Annual Physical

So most of you know of my scheduling snafoo at Christmas (read about it HERE).

Some of you know I recently scheduled a dentist appointment at 7:30am.

On a Monday.

And what is becoming a disturbing trend....I have scheduled my annual (or in my case its been 2 years) physical for a day after coming back from vacation where I a) ate without counting calories and b) did not stick to my fitness regime.

So while in the intervening two years since she saw me (and the heart and stroke tape measure around my girth was in the "red" zone) I have been exercising my butt off (well not entirely off yet but an inch or so higher and a great deal lighter) and counting those blasted calories and burning them faster than they can multiply, I can only hope when the weights on her scale stop clanking like a steam train coming into the station...they will tell the same truth my whisper quiet digital scale tells me.....which is that I am a great deal less heavy than I was then.

Of course I should have been on bread and water for 2 days but alas it was more like wine and cheese!

I have yet to decide whether to wear a bulky old sweatshirt and only reveal my slightly more trim and slender body as a surprise (thus causing her to forget the heart and stroke tape measure as my girth is still a work in progress) or to wear an all in one ultra-light lycra suit so as to add nothing to the scale.

And then there is my list.

Oh don't act surprised - you all know I would have a list for the Dr.

I have several things I wish to discuss: the pain in my arm, immunizations for South Africa, and the odd depressions in my skull that are bothering me (and about which my family thinks I am being ridic)......and a few other things.  

My Dr will be running 45-60 minutes late but the list will be dealt with.

So come what may tomorrow..... whatever the various tests show.....I do believe I am healthier now than I was then.  A bit lighter too and that in two years from now (when I repeat this palava) I will be fitter and trimmer still.

Unless those depressions on my head are not ridic.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Surfer Aerobics

Allan and Lindsay went to to surf school today.   The air temp was 6 degrees C.  Who knows what the water temp was but they claim they were warm and toasty in their 6mm wet suits.   David and I stayed on the beach in the wind until we were frozen but we did catch the pre-surf workout / aerobics / Irish jig / Tai Chi....

Listening to the safety lecture...

Running on the spot was too boring for Allan so he did some Irish Dancing

The other caught on quickly and Allan went back to running


Demonstrating how to stand up to a wave

Lindsay posing her surfing stance

Checking our her Dad's style

Practicing the Party Wave moves (when more than one person catches the same wave)

Surf Ballet?
Sand Padling?

Down.... ready

The Pop Up

Lindsay forgot to keep going... still popping up

Now she's up
Two Popsicles off to surf

Friday, March 22, 2013

Jump Shots

I am not sure why....maybe because there are only so many things you can do on a beach in 7 degrees C ....but my kids have been jumping a lot on this vacation......


It's been a CoVID while since I was in this space.  I'm here today to muse about disruption.  I am feeling disrupted.  I don...